Talent Management

Our practices are only as good as the people in them and the people who serve our clients. Our human resources… who by the way are human beings… NOT human doings.

Call it what you may but the proof is in the pudding. If you are spending your time coaching, counseling and disciplining your team members, or you can’t quite seem to retain the staff you have longer than the 3-6 month trial period, then you have a problem. A big problem.

Each time a person leaves and you have to hire, multiply your hourly rate times the number of hours you will spend searching for your next hire, to include reviewing resumes, sitting in on interviews, formulating an offer, checking references, on-boarding and training this person… hours spent by you that could otherwise be spent making more money, serving clients… your main purpose.

You should delegate the hiring to the experts… just like you tell your clients about their estate planning and elder law.

Have your Executive Director trained on best practices in hiring and employee development, or that’s again- where we come in. We have an in house nationally certified Talent Management and Kolbe Consultant. To learn more about our Kolbe consulting services and how to increase team synergy at your law office, click the button below.

I get it. Trust me. They don’t teach you how to manage or lead in law school. You either need to learn it or delegate and empower another person on your law firm staff with this PRIMARY accountability. As long as you employ people and are in the business of serving people, people challenges will always exist. And ignoring them only makes things worse… no matter if you have one employee or 15 employees.

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