Proactively Planning in Observance of Healthcare Decisions Day

In your eyes, April 16th may be known for being the National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day, but it also recognizes a topic more pivotal than being comfy at work.  April 16th is also National Healthcare Decisions Day which was created to educate and empower individuals & providers on the value of proactively planning your care.  

In past years, my firm has collaborated with a local doctor to host a seminar for Healthcare Decisions Day in order to educate our community on what is being offered and why they need to begin planning now.  From a business perspective, this can be a key strategic planning adjustment your firm can start today.  Since April 16th is a nationally acclaimed day, it provides the opportunity to get free publicity with your local newspaper or gazette by coordinating your schedule with the national calendar.  The platform to educate individuals on end-of-life decisions and the importance of planning ahead will bring new and current clients who are more educated and invested individuals by taking the time to attend your seminar.  I have found these individuals to be some of the best clients to work with and I think you will too. 

Over the years we have used this seminar to educate people in several ways, one of which is focusing on the importance of a living will.  This was done by coordinating with a local doctor to discuss what is needed for someone to have the capacity and make decisions for themselves.  In past years, we had a reverend speak about end-of-life decisions.  Lately, we have put both the reverend and doctor in the same seminar to drive home the message at all levels.

If you have yet to integrate this into your seminar/webinar calendar, this is the PERFECT time to start in the midst of a year when people are trying to plan ahead. 

Dedicated to Your Success,


Addressing Incapacity with a Dementia Diagnosis in Mind

Addressing legal incapacity for individuals suffering from dementia is a profoundly sensitive matter that requires attorneys to navigate with the utmost empathy and tact. It’s not just about legal advisement but ensuring the dignity of those affected by dementia. Incorporating people-first language, as advocated for its respectfulness towards individuals’ identities and conditions, aligns with the necessary empathetic approach. This means using language that emphasizes the person, not their disability, which is crucial in legal interactions to make clients feel seen and respected.

Empathetic Approach

An empathetic approach involves recognizing the emotional and psychological state of individuals with dementia and their families. It means communicating in a way that is respectful and understanding of their condition. It’s more than just taking the time to explain legal concepts in accessible language; it’s about being patient with repeated questions or confusion. Empathy in this context is about more than just understanding; it’s about connecting with clients on a human level, offering reassurance, and making them feel seen and respected despite their cognitive challenges.

Upholding Dignity

Upholding dignity means recognizing the inherent value and rights of individuals with dementia. This involves including them in discussions about their legal affairs as much as possible and seeking their input on decisions that affect their lives. Even when dementia has progressed to the point where an individual’s legal capacity is questioned, attorneys can strive to acknowledge their client’s humanity, preferences, and previously expressed wishes. This could involve consulting advance directives, discussing matters with appointed guardians or powers of attorney in line with the client’s known values, and always speaking to and about clients with the respect they deserve.

Communication Strategies

Effective communication with dementia sufferers is key to maintaining empathy and dignity. This includes:

  • Use Clear, Simple Language: Simplify legal discussions by avoiding jargon and breaking information into manageable pieces. This makes complex legal matters accessible without overwhelming the individual.
  • Involve the Individual: Address the person directly, using their name and making eye contact to make them feel respected and involved. Simplify choices and ask straightforward questions to facilitate their participation.
  • Be Mindful of Non-Verbal Cues: Pay close attention to facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. These cues can indicate comfort levels and understanding, guiding adjustments in communication for better clarity and reassurance.
  • Engage Family Members Carefully: While family members and caregivers can provide valuable support, ensure the individual with dementia’s preferences remain the focus. Their involvement should facilitate, not replace, the individual’s voice in discussions.

Client-Focused Approach

For attorneys working with dementia sufferers, the challenge is not only in guiding them with their legal needs but also in ensuring that the process respects the individual’s dignity and humanity. By employing an empathetic approach, legal professionals can significantly impact the lives of individuals with dementia and their families in a profoundly positive way. It’s about providing legal services that not only protect rights and interests but also honor the personhood of those affected by dementia.The Million Dollar Solution® provides tailored solutions to law firms. Our team understands the unique challenges of the legal industry, particularly those who work extensively with dementia sufferers and their families. Schedule your free strategy session with The Million Dollar Solution® today to access the insights and solutions that will drive future success.

Transforming Performance Reviews for 2024

As we turn the corner into 2024, aligning your company’s ambitions with your staffing needs is the perfect way to start the next quarter–especially in the context of performance reviews. This practice is notoriously met with dread by employees at the year’s end.

The typical annual review, often seen as a bureaucratic formality, rarely motivates staff or effectively sets goals. With only 14% of employees feeling inspired to improve post-review, according to a Gallup poll, it’s clear that a transformation is overdue. As March marks the end of Q1 for 2024, it’s an opportune time to rethink how performance assessments can truly benefit both the organization and its employees.

The dissatisfaction with traditional year-end reviews is not a secret. They often come across as disconnected from daily work, focusing more on past actions rather than future growth. High-profile companies like Microsoft, Netflix, Google, and Apple have shifted away from conventional methods, pointing towards a trend of more dynamic, continuous feedback systems. These companies understand that for feedback to be impactful, it must be immediate, relevant, and actionable.

Implementing Continuous Feedback

To align staffing with your 2024 goals, consider adopting a model of continuous feedback, like Catalytic Coaching. This approach involves regular check-ins between managers and employees throughout the year, rather than saving discussions for a formal year-end meeting. Such conversations can focus on recent achievements, areas for improvement, and most importantly, setting short-term and long-term objectives that align with broader company goals.

Catalytic Coaching is a concept created by Gary Markle, who wrote the Catalytic Coaching: The End of the Performance Review. We at The Million Dollar Solution® have effective meetings with each staff member throughout the year, instead of just annually which often creates unwanted pressure and stress.

For over 10 years, The Million Dollar Solution® and Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak, along with several of our members, have implemented Catalytic Coaching throughout their office. This provides a unique approach to showing your staff that you care about their careers, by enabling them to take leadership of their future at your office. Throughout the process, you will have opportunities to set clear expectations, align their role with mission and vision of the company and open up the quality level of communication between manager and employee. Time and time again we have learned things about an individual during this process that would never have been possible without the Catalytic Coaching process. 

Steps to Catalytic Coaching

Meeting 1

The employee fills out the first form to highlight where they are at and where they want to go in their career. The manager’s sole objective during this meeting is to listen and take notes. This gives the employee your undivided attention to ask questions and share their goals and aspirations. Also, since the employee has the reins for this meeting, it will foster a deeper buy-in by giving them control, which is not provided during an annual review.

Meeting 2

Now that you (the manager) have earned the right to speak by listening to the employee in the first meeting, you are now in charge of this meeting. The manager completes the second form which highlights strengths and developmental recommendations for the individual. This meeting completely switches roles. The employee now needs to listen and take notes regarding the manager’s feedback and insight into their role. This is the manager’s opportunity to set clear expectations with the employee and their role as well. Staff want to know what is expected of them, so eliminate gray area’s and provide a clear path forward.

Meeting 3

For this meeting, the employee gets an outline for a performance development plan. Here, they take ownership of their career by mapping out specifically how they will reach the goals previously discussed in the first two meetings. They can fill out up to three improvement goals, which includes the steps needed to achieve each one. Also, they will provide two to three strength goals, highlighting how they can utilize their strengths for greater efficiency and development. During this meeting, both the employee and the manager review this action plan together, make revisions, and finalize. This updated version will be referenced for the quarterly meetings ahead. 

Quarterly meetings

Now, after waiting 90 days, you conduct your first quarterly meeting. Each meeting you will review the third meeting form to discuss progress, address questions, challenges, successes and strategic insights on how to continue working towards the goals previously set.

Keeping the Ball Rolling for 2024 Goals

As we navigate 2024, aligning your staffing with your company’s goals through a revamped performance review system is not just beneficial; it’s necessary for fostering a motivated, engaged workforce. You can create a more dynamic, responsive, and ultimately more productive work environment—who doesn’t want more of that?

If you’re looking to revamp your performance review system and better align your staffing with your 2024 objectives, we’re here to help. Schedule your free strategy session with The Million Dollar Solution® to learn how you can implement the Catalytic Coaching process at your office and transform your 2024.

Addressing “Tangled Titles” in Estate Planning

Estate planning plays a vital role in financial management, yet it remains a largely neglected area in many communities, especially among Black families. A common and significant issue encountered is the “tangled title” phenomenon. This occurs when property deeds are not correctly transferred after an owner’s death, causing long-term complications in property ownership and legality. Recognizing Black History Month, it becomes imperative to highlight and address this issue, understanding its historical roots and providing solutions to prevent and resolve such cases.

Historical Context of Estate Planning Neglect

In numerous Black families, a historical lack of estate planning is evident, stemming from limited access to legal resources, economic hurdles, and a general unawareness of the importance of these processes. This neglect extends beyond not drafting wills or estate plans; it includes failing to administer estates correctly post-mortem. As a result, many properties remain under the deceased’s name, essentially in a state of limbo.

The Impact of Tangled Titles

The consequences of tangled titles are significant and far-reaching. They present obstacles in selling or transferring property, as the legal ownership remains with a deceased individual. This situation can cause financial losses, disputes among family members, and hinder the use of the property for financial leverage, such as loans. Tangled titles contribute substantially to the erosion of generational wealth, as families lose the ability to effectively manage and capitalize on property assets.

Prevention and Resolution of Tangled Titles

Effective prevention of tangled titles begins with proper estate planning. This includes the creation of wills or trusts that specifically outline the transfer of property upon the owner’s death. Educating family members on the importance of timely updating property titles and deeds after the owner’s demise is also crucial.

Resolving tangled titles often necessitates legal intervention. This may involve probate court proceedings where a judge determines the legitimate property owner based on existing wills, inheritance laws, and other relevant documents. Legal guidance is essential in these proceedings, particularly in cases where documentation is insufficient or when disputes arise among potential heirs.

Role of Estate Planning Law Firms

Estate planning law firms have a critical role in addressing tangled titles, particularly in underserved communities like Black families. By offering accessible legal advice and support, these firms assist families in creating and executing effective estate plans and in resolving existing title issues. Their work ensures the legal transfer of properties to the rightful heirs, thus preserving generational wealth.

Recognizing Black History Month, it’s crucial to address the specific estate planning challenges faced by Black families, with a focus on the issue of tangled titles. Promoting awareness and providing legal support can help prevent future tangled title cases and aid in preserving generational wealth in these communities.At Million Dollar Solutions, we understand the importance of resolving tangled titles and effective estate planning, especially for underserved communities. Our team is committed to offering personalized, accessible legal services to help you navigate these challenges. Schedule your free strategy session with The Million Dollar Solution® and take the first step in securing your family’s future and legacy.

The New Year is a Perfect Opportunity to Close Budget Gaps

As we enter 2024, the New Year brings with it a chance to make pivotal organizational changes, fostering budget growth for your firm. Like individuals who set resolutions, elder law and financial advisor firms set high expectations for the year ahead.

Are budget gaps from the previous year causing concern moving forward? Addressing these issues is crucial for the long-term financial health of your firm. Making tough decisions is part of the process, but it’s vital to consider each decision carefully before committing to any notable changes that impact your clients.

Review Client Fees

Discussing client fees is always a sensitive topic. The goal isn’t simply to increase prices; instead, it’s about understanding the profitability of different fees you’re charging and matching any added costs. For example, many firms are providing staff raises at a rate of 3-4% each year, and it makes sense to offset those added costs by raising fees where appropriate. This avoids reducing the cashflow of your business.

In reviewing client fees, assess the time invested in each client and identify the most time-consuming tasks or case types. This analysis can provide valuable insights. Ask yourself: Are routine tasks taking up too much time and costing your clients more? Streamlining these processes can allow you to allocate your time more effectively, enhancing value for your clients. This approach can justify higher fees or enable you to take on more clients without increasing fees.

Moreover, tracking specific tasks, clients, and case types can illuminate where your time is most profitably spent. Are you dedicating excessive time to lower-paying clients at the expense of more profitable cases? It might be time to reconsider offering services that are time-consuming yet bring in minimal revenue.

Resource Efficiency

Another aspect to consider is your firm’s internal expenditures. The cost of extensive paperwork, for instance, might seem negligible, but it can add up. Think about the reams of paper bought and the substantial shipping costs incurred. These are underrated areas to consider for budgetary adjustments.

With rising USPS prices, have you explored partnerships or vendor agreements with shipping companies? These agreements could offer bulk deals, reducing the need for frequent runs to make purchases from local office supply stores. This shift not only saves money but also streamlines your operational processes.

Also, consider the areas where you are spending resources as a complimentary service to clients. Do you do free deeds and deed searches? This and other items cost time and resources, so it may be time to consider passing some of that cost onto clients. When you give away time and resources, you give away money. It’s vital to provide value to your clients to keep them coming back, but you need to consider which areas actually provide value while not tying up significant resources.

Work with The Million Dollar Solution®

Why do we call ourselves The Million Dollar Solution®? It’s a reflection not just of our success but of the success we foster in other elder law and financial advisor firms through our solutions. In navigating the crucial operational decisions your firm faces, we are here. Schedule your free strategy session with The Million Dollar Solution® and let’s make 2024 a year of unprecedented financial growth and operational efficiency for your firm.

A Thank You to Dementia Caretakers

Dementia, a condition that touches the lives of millions annually, presents a number of unique challenges that can be hard to comprehend unless experienced firsthand. Those living with the disease face and fight these challenges in ways most people ideally would never know, but the disease also touches the lives of those around them. We share compassion for those living with Dementia and their loved ones, but today, we turn our attention and gratitude to a group of unsung heroes in this journey – the Dementia caretakers.

These remarkable individuals, who may be family members, friends, or specialized professionals, embody an extraordinary blend of strength, compassion, and dedication. Their role in the lives of approximately 55 million people living with Dementia worldwide is immeasurable. Caretakers provide not just care, but a semblance of normalcy in the lives of those grappling with the realities of Dementia. It’s a path that demands not just physical strength but an immense emotional strength to manage the day-to-day challenges that come with caregiving.

The journey of a Dementia caretaker is often filled with silent sacrifices and unspoken hardships. It’s a path chosen out of love, commitment, and/or professional dedication, each with its own set of challenges and rewards. These caretakers navigate through the unpredictable world of Dementia with a resilience that is nothing short of inspiring. We want to emphasize one point in particular: People with Dementia do not have a choice in facing the disease but their caretakers do, and they still put their head down and move forward to provide service, community, and care. This role extends beyond the routine tasks of caregiving; they are the pillars of emotional support, required to lead with patience and understanding, and often, the unsung heroes in the lives of those affected by Dementia.

The value of a simple yet heartfelt ‘thank you’ in the life of a Dementia caretaker cannot be overstated. For those not directly involved in caregiving but who know someone who is, expressing gratitude can be a beacon of light in their often challenging journey. A genuine acknowledgment of their efforts brings warmth, comfort, and a sense of recognition to these incredible individuals, reminding them that their contributions are not only vital but deeply appreciated.

At The Million Dollar Solution®, we are deeply committed to supporting those affected by Dementia, including the caretakers who play such a crucial role. Our work with law firms through the Dementia Focused Practice® program is a testament to our desire to be involved in this world and create meaningful change. This program is designed to empower firms with the tools and knowledge necessary to effectively support families living with Dementia. It’s a collaborative effort that aligns with our core mission – to make a meaningful difference in a world impacted by Dementia. For law firms interested in joining this cause and making a difference in the lives of those affected by Dementia, we invite you to learn more about our Dementia Focused Practice® membership program. Let’s work together to bring positive change in the fight against Dementia.

Your Aging Loved Ones Deserve a Spot in Your Holiday Plans

As the holiday season rolls in, we’re often reminded of the importance of family. It’s a time for joy, gratitude, and celebration, and every member of the family, young and old, deserves to be part of these lifelong memories.

All too often, our aging loved ones feel pushed aside, almost invisible in all of the joy of the holiday season. There’s a place for them at the figurative and literal table this time of year, and it’s our duty as their loved ones to make sure they don’t feel forgotten in all the craziness of the next few months.

Elderly Family Members Are Still Family

The golden years might have changed the physical capabilities of our elders, but it hasn’t eliminated their emotional and social needs. As we plan holiday celebrations, it’s vital to remember that grandma, grandpa, dad, mom, and any of our other older family members are as much a part of our family as any other.

Over the years, they’ve built the foundation upon which our family traditions stand. Excluding them, intentionally or not, can lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and even depression. They don’t deserve that.

Our elderly loved ones have contributed immensely to our lives, creating countless memories and opportunities. Isn’t it only fair to give back to them during what’s supposed to be the most joyful time of year? Include them in the planning, ask for their opinions, and, more than anything, make them feel valued.

Be Considerate of Cognitive Challenges

As the years go by, cognitive diseases like Dementia and its forms pose a significant and unique challenge in the lives of our elderly loved ones. These challenges may sometimes make it difficult for them to participate in festivities the way they used to, but pushing them aside isn’t the answer.

By understanding their specific challenges, we can tailor our celebrations to be more inclusive. It might mean adjusting the volume of music, creating a quiet space for them, or simplifying games and other activities to involve them.

Being observant and considerate can make a world of difference for them. By acknowledging and preparing for these challenges, we ensure that our family remains unified and our elderly loved ones still find joy in the festivities.

Rely on the Guidance of a Dementia Focused Practice® 

For Elder Law Firms and Financial Advisors seeking guidance in this area, Million Dollar Solution® is a valuable resource. Our dedication lies in modernizing elder care at the legal level to provide more tailored solutions for individuals with Dementia and their caretakers. As a Dementia Focused Practice®, firms possess the necessary training and skills to assist families and individuals grappling with the complexities of Dementia.

We regularly collaborate with elder law and financial advisor firms, preparing the entire team and enabling them to provide specialized services for those affected by Dementia. This holistic approach ensures that both emotional and legal aspects are addressed, bridging the gap between care and legislation.

For elder law and financial advisor firms eager to contribute and make a difference, the opportunity to become a part of the Dementia Focused Practice® membership through Million Dollar Solution® is invaluable. DFP members are able to tackle topics just like this one and a number of others on behalf of clients and their family members. Our elderly loved ones deserve all the love and respect this season and always. Let’s ensure they feel right at home in the heart of the celebrations.

A reflection by Kristin Daugherty, Long Term Care Planner,  about our 2023 Dementia Focused Practice Conference

I am sitting on my flight reflecting on the last three days in Tempe, Arizona for the 2023 Dementia Focused Practice® and all the knowledge that was shared and time spent with all of you. I know I personally bring back so much from these conferences and I am thrilled that so many members of our team could come on this trip. Here are a few highlights that I am bringing back with me.

On day one, part of the MDS team found ourselves with a little free time! We tackled a morning hike to watch the sunrise from the peak of a mountain and enjoyed a delicious breakfast. After recovering from our hike, we prepared for the day and kicked off the conference with a Mastermind session with Julie Steinbacher and Don Quante.

After giving our brains a workout during the Mastermind session, we drove out into the middle of the desert for a hot air balloon ride – what a thrill! I wasn’t sure I would have the courage to get into the hot air balloon – but I did. Once in the air, it was so peaceful. I couldn’t believe how quiet and breathtakingly beautiful it was. The landing was a bit rough, and we all had some good laughs after getting very close and personal. The champagne waiting for us upon landing was welcomed warmly by all!

On day two, we jumped into the conference – and what a full day it was. We covered financial products to help pay for long-term care, Elder Care Navigation, and Dementia Care Planning, and attendees had the ability to experience the Virtual Dementia Tour. Conversations throughout the day with attorneys, financial advisors and their staff were absolutely fantastic – it is rare to have so many like-minded and passionate individuals in the same room.

Our keynote speaker was Kerri Kasem – and I don’t think there were many dry eyes while she was speaking. Her passion and advocacy is top notch, and it was an honor to have her join us.

I could go on and on about everything we crammed into the conference, but I think one takeaway that I personally have is thinking of my goals in 2024. My goal is to continue to grow – professionally, in my personal life, and continue to grow my Elder Care Navigation team.

What about you – what is your goal for 2024? Is it to provide a better service? Is it to make more money? Or is it to find a better work/life balance? Maybe it is a combination of these – or all three. Our team here at MDS has put a TON of time mapping out our 2024 calendar to help each of you meet your goals in 2024.

To learn more about our upcoming events and opportunities, please contact us at

Why Leadership is Everything for Your Firm (Especially Retention)

Change is inevitable. It’s a part of doing business, regardless of whether you’re a law firm or doing business in another industry. However, not all change is created equal.

Adaptation and growth are essential for any organization, but constant employee turnover can lead to a sense of uneasiness in your office and with your clients that hinders retention internally and externally.

So, what role does leadership play in retention? Let’s delve into the critical role of leadership in maintaining employee stability, ensuring client confidence, and finding the right solutions for your company.

There is Good Change and There is Bad Change

In the legal realm, where expertise and continuity matter greatly, a revolving door of employees can be detrimental. A culture that embraces change and adaptation is vital, but it must be balanced with the need for stability and retention.

“Great leaders do not create followers, they create more leaders.” That’s a quote from writer Tom Peters and perfectly captures how leadership in your organization should focus on creating an environment where everyone is valued and able to lead in their own ways.

This fosters an environment where employees feel valued and motivated to stay. When leaders prioritize professional development, job satisfaction, and work-life balance, employees are more likely to commit to you long-term. Stability not only enhances productivity but also enables you to put efficient systems in place that employees are familiar with and able to rely on.

Paying long-term employees more might seem expensive, but it pays off when you see the results from confident clients.

Employee Retention Means More Confident Clients

Client trust is the cornerstone of any successful firm. When clients know who they are dealing with on a consistent basis, they’ll keep coming back for more (unless the results are subpar which is an entirely different discussion). When clients deal with a revolving door of employees, they won’t feel confident or attached to your firm.

Effective leadership directly influences employee retention, which, in turn, impacts client relationships. A stable team provides clients with the confidence that their needs are being handled by experienced professionals who understand their unique situation.

Not only will you see clients come back for more – you’re more likely to get strong referrals, as well.

How Do You Define Good Leadership?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to leadership. Each firm has its unique needs, challenges, and goals. The key to effective leadership lies in adaptability and the ability to listen to your employees. A successful leader understands that nothing should be considered unreasonable when it comes to employee input, growth opportunities, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Building your leadership style on communication, trust, and empathy goes a long way. Leaders should actively engage with their teams, seeking feedback and ideas, and promoting an open dialogue. By valuing their employees’ contributions and providing opportunities for growth and development, leaders create an environment where employees are not only willing to stay but also thrive.

We’ve mentioned work-life balance a few times. Leaders should support their team’s well-being, recognizing that a healthy work-life balance leads to increased job performance and reduced burnout in today’s society.

What’s Your Solution?

From the dawn of business, leadership has been the key that holds the organization together. It’s vital to all internal and external successes. If you’re facing leadership gaps within your firm, it’s time to take action.

The Million Dollar Solution® specializes in providing tailored solutions to law firms. Our team understands the unique challenges of the legal industry and can help you identify and address leadership and retention issues specific to your organization. Don’t let poor leadership practices hinder your firm’s growth and client relationships. Schedule your free strategy session with The Million Dollar Solution® today to access the insights and solutions that will drive future success.

My Experience Becoming a Certified Virtual Dementia Tour Trainer

I always appreciate a few days away from the office, but phew, the last few weeks were a whirlwind! I was fortunate enough to spend a week away with my husband, Kyle, and two kids – Kendall and Kyler. We visited St. John USVI – and wow, what a beautiful place. If you haven’t marked this off your bucket list yet, I encourage you to visit soon! The beaches are pristine and at times, it felt like we were on a deserted island. I was determined to see a sea turtle and it turns out we were fortunate enough to see them daily! 

But nothing can end an amazing trip like a flight cancellation on the way home. We were exhausted and it was late at night when our flight was cancelled in Miami. Thankfully we were able to book the first flight out the next morning, but I was scheduled to leave that day for a training. We got home and I had two hours to turn it around before leaving for Connecticut. I never knew how quickly I could do laundry and get re-packed until now! 

So why did I head to Connecticut? Well, Jenna and I are excited to announce that we are officially Certified Virtual Dementia Tour trainers (VDT) through Second Wind Dreams. We spent two (long) days training and are excited to now be able to offer this experience to our staff, professionals in the community, families of those we serve, and all of you! 

The Second Wind VDT experience was designed to allow professionals and family members to “walk in the shoes of a person with Dementia”. This is a one-of-a-kind immersive experience allows us to have a greater understand of what it may be like living as a person with Dementia, and provides tools and tips so we can create an environment to support a person with a cognitive impairment. 

This is a fantastic opportunity as we strive to provide the best possible services to those affected by Dementia – at our office and in our community.  We found this training so valuable that all staff at our office locations will be going through the VDT experience over the next few weeks. Whether it is the team member that answers the phone, greets clients as they walk in, or the team member working directly with the family, it is important that the entire Firm is able to treat a person with Dementia and their family with dignity and respect. 

We proudly offered the Virtual Dementia Tour to all attendees at our Tempe conference for FREE back in November 2023! This was an exciting initiative to bring value to attendees and provide certification on the spot to people who truly care about this mission and want to be a part of future solutions.

As for me – I took a few days off after these trips to recover and get caught up on life. Next up – Tempe in November (and hopefully no flight cancellations)! See you there! 

Written by Kristin Daugherty, a Coach with Million Dollar Solution